Preserved for Promise"
Prophetic word

While spending time in Moravian Falls, N.C. in September 2013, The Spirit of the Lord came upon me and spoke these words to me for the Church (Ekklesia).
I believe these words are relevant to the church today.
(This word is part-two of a three-part word).
Preserved for Promise
Isaiah 49:8 I will preserve you and give you as a covenant (Promise) to the people to restore the earth.
For the Lord is saying, Greater Glory is coming upon the Earth. My Glory will pervade every aspect of society. Like the clouds and fog descending upon the mountains, hills, and valley, my Glory will appear. See to it the things which hold you back no longer have leverage or charge over your life.
Reservoir for purpose
Have I not saved the best for last? Surely the latter will be greater than the former; my fulfillment of purpose will inhabit the earth. Didn’t I say the rains were coming? Didn’t I say the former and latter rains were coming? Are you looking up? Look up! I say, Look Up! For the Lord is in the Cloud, for the Lord is moving swiftly, like a strong wind, an abounding force, who can reckon with the Lord of Host, who can reckon with His mercy, His power, His Glory. Who can reckon with the Majestic force of the Lord?
The Lord brought me into a Vision - from an Aerial view:
I was looking upon the East Coast facing west.
I saw Jesus standing High above North America with a rod in His hand. He is looking down upon the states, with consideration and force. He is lifting the staff up and bringing it back down, purposefully hitting the ground and breaking it up as if it were pottery being shattered. He is taking His time; He is on the East Coast. In my Vision, I know He is moving East to West.
I hear in my spirit Kingdoms will clash In the Americas. The enemy is working overtime to bring about a Jezebel Spirit of Intimidation. Like Jezebel did with Elijah, for my Spirit of Power and Might for Miracle, Signs, and Wonders is being released upon the earth.
I am rising up those with the Power and Authority of Elijah, with the Power and Authority I gave to Moses to rise up on every mountain of society stand against my adversaries, To stand up against their counterfeit power. Know the time you are in, Know the authority that is given. Know the Power of my Spirit is Supreme in all the earth.
For the Lord is saying, do not cower to this evil force, do not allow this force to cause you to run and hide. This is the enemy's work against my move, My Greater Glory; the enemy wants to prevent the harvesters from bringing in the Harvest.
What the enemy does not want you to see is Truth; he wants you to see through the lenses of fear to intimidate, to paralyze my people. He wants to portray that there is no hope that he has the victory. Let the Truth of the Kingdom of God be Manifest upon the Earth. Let the Eyes of my people be open to see that there is more for them than is against them.
For I am the Lord God who comes as Cloud by day and Fire by night, is it not I who hid the Israelites from the Egyptians, is it not I who brought confusion to the Egyptian armies as they were breathing down their back. For I say in the days ahead, there will be much persecution coming upon my people, my body. The enmity is rising from the east. The enmity is rising from the west. Know that I am sending my cloud, I am sending my Cloud.
The enemy of this world is bringing enmity against my people and me. The powers, principalities, rulers of air, and darkness will see the backside of my cloud; the enemy will be brought into confusion. While the enemy scoffs, my cloud will bring about a blinding. It will blind my move, yes, my move is coming upon the Earth, in times of Great persecution; there will be great multiplication and advancement of my kingdom daily across the nations of the earth. I will arise on the scene, and multitudes will come into my Kingdom, my harvest is vast.
In Love with Jesus,
Tammy Brunk
(This prophetic word was submitted for apostolic judgment and accountability).